Z - Coaching Passing Drills

4 Hockey Drills For A Passing Training Session – 4

Hockey Drill #4: Dynamic passing + 2v2
Finally, we just put both teams on the same side and we just go back to the first drill but, we add that after the pass, the game becomes a 2v2 situation until a team scores, then we start over.


These are not the most complex drills in the world but they are simple enough to generate a dynamic training session with your players and a intense warm-up with adults. In addition, and because of the level of complexity of the drills is not high, coaches need to focus on correcting each individual technical detail. The coach needs to put energy for turning these drills into a very constructive and positive ones.

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By Pablo Mendoza

Pablo Mendoza is an FIH Hockey Academy Educator and the owner of A Hockey World. Contact: pablo@ahockeyworld.net