Z - Coaching Passing Drills

4 Hockey Drills For A Passing Training Session – 3

Hockey Drill #3: Dynamic passing + 1v1
Now we can add some action. Let’s split the group of four in two teams where two players act like the passers, and two the two receivers turn into one attacker and one defender. Player #3 always passes to #2  (blue team) and  #5 plays always with #4 (red team). The passer, in this case, is the one that decides which team will be attacking. We create a goal with cones and the attacker has to dribble the ball through it in order to score.
With this variation, now we have to encourage our players to focus on the receiving part of the ball by asking the ball with the stick as we said before and, by choosing an offensive reception, escape, protection, etc.

In addition, we can turn the situation into a 2v1 if we allow the passer to join the attack.




By Pablo Mendoza

Pablo Mendoza is an FIH Hockey Academy Educator and the owner of A Hockey World. Contact: pablo@ahockeyworld.net