z - 1v2 Defense

How To Defend: 2 Defenders Against 1 Attacker – 2

2. The right defensive 1v2 approach:

Let’s take a look at this situation now. The attacker starts from the same place as the German player from the previous wrong example however, focus on the action of the first Dutch defender. Instead of fully committing to tackle, he engages the Argentinean player leading him to the 2nd Dutch defender. By denying the chance of cutting inside the field, the first defender creates a lane for the attacker to go, which in the end, leads to the player who recovers the ball.


The engagement and channeling of the first defender is vital for a team defense. By not overcommitting to tackle, he is able to take away space from the attacker who has to fix his eyes on the ball, losing sight of the 2nd defender.


By Pablo Mendoza

Pablo Mendoza is an FIH Hockey Academy Educator and the owner of A Hockey World. Contact: pablo@ahockeyworld.net