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How to recover from defeat? Hockey Coaching Strategies


Losing a game is not something that you wish for, here are some hockey coaching strategies to recover your team spirit… All our efforts are, in general terms, aimed to achieve the one thing that matter in a competitive sports: to win. However, being obsessed only with the victory can create frustrated coaches, players and individuals. Doing everything to achieve success is what life is about but as people and in this case as coaches, we need to learn that a setback or a negative result is always part of a process. In this case, not having a process, a fix objective or a global dream to achieve, would result in the biggest defeat in the long term.

Accepting a defeat and analyzing what we could have done better, to coach our team to a positive result could, be the most important lesson that a setback can provide to us.

Mark Cuban, a very successful entrepreneur, has a very good vision of failure in the business world which can be applied to sports:


As coaches we need to create in the mind of our player that the natural process to success includes, from time to time, facing a defeat. Abraham Lincoln, former U.S. president and a historical figure, had many setbacks before he was elected president:


Everybody remembers him for being the president who abolished slavery, but how many people remembers him for the rollercoaster of victories and, mainly, defeats that he went through?

Coaching a team through defeats is a difficult thing, especially if coaches do not reflect and are not humble enough to reflect on themselves before pointing out fingers. We need to remember: nobody plays hockey to lose and nobody enjoys defeat.

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By Pablo Mendoza

Pablo Mendoza is an FIH Hockey Academy Educator and the owner of A Hockey World. Contact: pablo@ahockeyworld.net