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Reverse tackle on the opponent’s swing: one of the riskiest plays in hockey


The FIH Hockey Academy shared this tackling analysis:

Tackling by using the reverse while the opponent is swinging at the ball is, perhaps, the riskiest play in hockey. This clip shows a very hard hit to the head that happened during a match between South Africa and India during the Olympic Games of London 2012:

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As a good example, we can refer to this clip:


The defender must go for the tackle but he or she must take certain precautions:

1. Use the full reach of the left arm.
2. Enter your left arm into action while leaving your body behind.
3. Expose the stick and the grip before the hand (notice how at the last moment, the defender hides his hand).
4. Move your face away from the swing of the attacker but keep your body close to the opponent.
5. As in this case, use your right hand to stop the swing of the opponent disallowing the stick connect with your face.



By Pablo Mendoza

Pablo Mendoza is an FIH Hockey Academy Educator and the owner of A Hockey World. Contact: pablo@ahockeyworld.net