- StoriesField Hockey Drills

Full training session (4 drills): Open receiving with forehand and backhand

Players: 10 / Keepers: 0 / Pitch: 1/4 / Cones: 8 / Balls: >10

Exercise 4: Game 5 versus 5

Purpose: Playing a game 5 vs. 5

1) Set up (between the 23m line and the baseline or the 23m line and the halfway line) a field with a goal on either side; with younger players and 5:5, one can decide beforehand to make the field shorter by placing cones down as baselines on both sides.
2) 2 teams of 5 players, one team with bibs.
3) Enough balls, extra balls around the field or with the trainer.

1) Form of game 5:5; the trainer explains in advance which rules will be implemented; for example, from how far away a player can score.
2) The trainer can give instructions; e.g. the players may not touch the ball more than x number of times or free-hits must be taken within 3 seconds.


Instructions: During the game…
1) As trainer, give helpful instructions which are in keeping with the overall goal of the training.
2) “Freeze” the game every now and again; shout either STOP or STAND STILL; the players must stand still immediately, whereafter the trainer can comment on the positional choices of the players.



By Pablo Mendoza

Pablo Mendoza is an FIH Hockey Academy Educator and the owner of A Hockey World. Contact: pablo@ahockeyworld.net