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5 Ideas To Implement While Coaching Kids


Coaching young players can be a very rewarding and fun activity, however, not every adult is a great youth coach. Sometimes, coaching hockey to kids can become a very difficult and challenging activity and therefore, we propose 5 ideas that might help you while coaching.

1. Make it memorable for the kids: Think about your past and the teachers and coaches that you currently, as an adult, remember. Now think again, why do you remember them? Probably it is because they inspired you, they captivated you making the topics of their teachings come alive. Although there might be many reasons of why someone can cause a positive impact in a young kid, we can focus on transmitting a true passion for what is being taught, in our case hockey,  and the way to transfer this knowledge in an unique way.


2. Connect with the young players at their level, not yours: Developing the ability of connecting with the children you coach can open a positive channel and training environment. The training session will become positive; full of energy and enthusiasm

3. They are kids, so let them play: A recent survey conducted by Kids Health showed that 60% of the total respondents thought that coaches should give everyone a chance to play, ranking way above teaching new skills (27%) and even winning (9%).

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4. Set the Rules: Although there has to be an environment of fun, there still need to be some rules. If you want to help them get the most out of your training sessions and set a firm foundation for the “serious” years to come, you should create some rules. There is no need for  a long list of rules, just a few ones that will help the team to be in order. If there are no rules, you will waste a lot of time trying to get their attention and having a disciplined team. As youth coaches, we are also forming and educating people, we must remember that.

5. Treat the young players with respect and patience: Never yell in a mean way or threaten a player, never use insults or embarrass a player, never call a player names or ridicules a player for bad play or lack of skills. In conclusion, be very very patient and supportive by giving them constructive feedback.



By Pablo Mendoza

Pablo Mendoza is an FIH Hockey Academy Educator and the owner of A Hockey World. Contact: pablo@ahockeyworld.net